Patch 3.35.7 - February 2023
- Billing Day can now be changed on Partners and Wholesalers
- SBCaaS Service settings can now be edited
- Plans can now be enabled for, and applied on, a Per User basis
- Admin User deletion warning no longer states that an email address cannot be reused
- Added ReadOnly and OptOutofNew Permissions checkboxes to Permission Sets Table and Edit Menu
- Custom Invoice Lines can now be created on an Invoice.
- Numbers can now more easily be acknowledged when in Action Required status.
- Some Optimizations added to Invoice Summarization and Exporting, allowing for larger invoices to be exported once again
- Numbers not in a stable status will no longer appear in Available to Assign Lists
- Numbers not in a stable status can no longer be assigned to Users or Resource Accounts (Deallocation is still possible)
- New endpoint to Acknowledge when a Sync should expect to see more than a 50% drop in Users or Resource Accounts
- Additional data fields added to support Engines working on Session Border Controllers
- Status changes on Microsoft App Auths to make access issues present on Service Cards during initial provisioning
- AppAuths will now make multiple attempts to perform initial pairing within the first 5 minutes
- The system will try to automatically clear ActionRequired statuses on numbers after a TenantID becomes available
- Split out Operator Connect upload and release order id fields
- Added new Operator Connect number handling error scenarios
- Added SBCaaS improvements for cloud deployment scenarios
- Improved backend and UI logging
Bug Fixes
- Numbers should no longer attempt to re-enable when no trunk has been set
- An issue affecting which Calling Profiles show against Trunks should now be resolved
- TCAP number enabled state to always be boolean in Engines